Tuesday, 31 July 2007

An effed-oh

Snow White is now finished. You can buy this beautiful pattern from Ysolda.
On me (rubbish photo copyright the Boyf, but you can see how the ribbing creates a corset effect). The neckline is a picot cast-off (head removal not mandatory) and the back of the neck is really clever (not pictured here because it was even more blurry than this photo):
Obviously I would wear it with a slinky skirt rather than lumpy jeans. And the wellies by the front door are not part of the outfit, though they have come in very useful during this 'summer' we've been having.

And on Titch:
I recommend visiting Ysolda's site for considerably better photos.

Next up: more wee socks and a beanie hat for my BFF's baby T, and a Kim Hargreaves cardi, Lilac. Though I will probably omit the flounce at the bottom and do something simpler instead. My mother has knitted this cardi and says it is easier than it looks... Oh, and I have a dissertation to write by the end of September. Ha ha ha.

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